Virgil Dupras
branch v1.5: Backported [15] for [#37]. was committed by Virgil Dupras
Monday Jun 08
changeset -
CSV files with multiple account columns was updated by Virgil Dupras 05:46 PM ticket
Calculated transactions was updated by Virgil Dupras 05:46 PM ticket
branch v1.5: Backported [9] and [13] ... was committed by Virgil Dupras 05:46 PM changeset
Setting some ignores. was committed by Virgil Dupras 05:14 PM changeset
help: v1.5.5 (as well as a css tweak) was committed by Virgil Dupras 05:13 PM changeset
[#37 state:fixed] Fixed a bug where C... was committed by Virgil Dupras 05:01 PM changeset
Can't import CSV filewas updated by Virgil Dupras 05:01 PM ticket -
Can't import CSV file was updated by Virgil Dupras 04:37 PM ticket
Can't import CSV file was created by Virgil Dupras 11:30 AM ticket